Ideal Standard Waschtische, Waschbecken, WC, Bidets, Urinale
Die Waschtische, Waschbecken, WCs, Urinale, Bidets von Ideal Standard überzeugen durch ihre hervorragende Qualität, Komfort und Ästhetik. Jedes Ideal Standard Waschbecken, WC, Urinal und Bidet ist ein einzigartiger Badkeramik-Artikel, der sowohl in Design als auch in Funktion vollendet ist. Wählen Sie aus dem reichhaltigen Sortiment an Ideal Standard Waschtischen, Waschbecken, WCs, Urinale und Bidets Ihre Serie und bringen Sie Ihre Persönlichkeit und Ihren Geschmack zur Geltung.
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T378601 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 500 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3786MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 500 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T379101 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 600 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3791MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 600 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T379601 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 800 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3796MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 800 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T380101 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 1000 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3801MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 1000 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T380701 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 1200 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3807MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, 1200 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T381601 with 3 tap holes, without overflow, ground, 500 x 450 x 145 mm, whiteAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
Ideal Standard Conca washbasin T3816MA with 3 tap holes, without overflow, ground, 500 x 450 x 145 mm, white Ideal PlusAvailable for order delivery time: 10-28 working daysShipping Cost Points: 3210
** Average Wholesale Price